Western carmakers are facing competition in China from the sale of their own imported vehicles from the US, as “parallel imports” provide a new challenge in the world’s largest auto market.西方汽车制造商在中国于是以面对进口自美国的它们自己所产的汽车的竞争,“平行进口”在全球仅次于汽车市场带给新的挑战。New rules from Shanghai’s fledgling free trade zone, issued last week, formally legalise the sale of cars that manufacturers originally intended to sell in the US and other markets — allowing buyers to receive discounts of about 20 per cent.正式成立旋即的上海自贸区上周发布新的规定,月使在华销售制造商原本想在美国及其他市场贩卖的汽车合法化,使买家可以享用大约20%的优惠。Last year, Chinese competition regulators forced many foreign carmakers to lower the cost of their vehicles, spare parts and services during a probe of allegedly anti-competitive behaviour. Chinese car dealers have also demanded greater financial support from their suppliers.去年,中国竞争监管机构在针对因涉嫌独占不道德的调查中,被迫许多外国汽车制造商减少汽车、零配件和服务成本。
中国汽车经销商也拒绝供应商给与更加多财务上的反对。Now the emergence of parallel import markets is putting even greater price pressure on multinational carmakers, especially premium European brands.现在,平行进口市场的经常出现于是以为跨国汽车制造商带给更大的价格压力,特别是在是高端的欧洲品牌。Large price differentials for brands sold via manufacturers’ official dealer networks in the US and China create an arbitrage opportunity across the Pacific. Middlemen are buying cars in the US and shipping them to unauthorised dealers in China in increasing numbers.通过制造商在美国和中国的官方经销商网络销售的同一品牌的汽车的售价差异极大,在太平洋两岸之间生产了一个套利机会。
更加多的中间商在美国出售汽车,然后将其发运至予以许可的中国经销商。At China’s largest market for parallel imports, in the port city of Tianjin, an Audi Q7 sport utility vehicle imported from the US was on sale last week for Rmb660,000 ($106,000) — 20 per cent cheaper than the Rmb828,000 charged by the German manufacturer’s authorised China dealerships. In the US, Audi’s suggested retail prices for the Q7 start at just $48,300, or Rmb299,000.在中国仅次于的平行进口汽车市场——港口城市天津,一辆从美国进口的奥迪(Audi) Q7运动型多功能车(SUV)上周的售价是66万元人民币(合10.6万美元),比这家德国制造商许可的中国经销商82.8万元人民币的售价低廉20%。
在美国,奥迪Q7的建议零售价跟上仅有为4.83万美元,即29.9万元人民币。Carmakers are fighting back against this latest threat to their largest and most profitable market, prohibiting their US dealers from selling cars to people who they suspect intend to export the vehicles to China. But once arbitrageurs have obtained a car in the US, it is legal for them to ship it abroad.汽车制造商正在他们仅次于、利润最可观的市场还击这个近期威胁,禁令各自的美国经销商把车卖给那些他们猜测想向中国出口汽车的人。
但是如果套利者在美国买下一辆汽车,他们将车运往国外是合法的。“The [carmakers] have lost the battle on the Chinese side,” said Max Warburton, an analyst at Bernstein Research. “On the US side they are throwing everything they can think of at it.”伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)分析师马克斯沃伯顿(Max Warburton)说道:“(制造商)在中国已败下阵来。在美国,他们于是以想方设法一切办法来应付。