An app that does nothing but send a simple notification of “Yo” to recipients is the most popular app right now in the US.最近,一款不能向他人发送到一个字“Yo”的手机应用于风行美国。The app, named Yo, reached No 1 in the Apple App Store in the US last week, after The Financial Times broke the story on June 18 that the app has received $1 million (6.23 million yuan) in investment funding.《金融时报》6月18日的报导中称之为,这款取名为 “Yo”的应用于已取得100万美元(约合6230万人民币)的融资。
而上周,Yo已升到美国苹果手机应用于商店排行榜的首位。Created in just eight hours by Or Arbel, a 32-year-old app developer from Tel Aviv, Israel, Yo claims to be the “simplest and most efficient communication tool in the world”. With a single tap, users can send the word “Yo” to one another in a voice notification — and nothing else.这款应用于仅有用8小时就研发而出,而它的研发人——来自以色列特拉维夫的32岁研发员奥尔?阿拜尔——说道:“Yo是目前全世界最简单、最高效的通讯工具”。因为只需一个非常简单的按钮,用户就可以把“Yo”这个单词以语音警告的方式发给别人,而这也是Yo的唯一功能。Arbel enthused about his app in an interview with The New Yorker: “It’s a whole new way for communication. A hundred and forty characters is way too much these days… It’s lightweight, easy, you don’t have to open a message — the notification itself is everything you need.”在《纽约客》的专访中,奥尔对他的应用于热情满满:“这是一种全新的交流方式。
在当今时代,发送到140个字母实在太宽了……Yo结尾轻巧,你甚至不用关上每条消息,因为你只必须警告本身就行了。”When Yo was launched on April Fools’ Day this year, the Apple App Store at first rejected it on the grounds that it lacked substance. Many people still see the app as a joke. Some technology experts, like Polly Mosendz from The Wire and Judd Legum from Think Progress, point out that the way a simple app like Yo got millions in funding says much about the impending burst of the tech bubble.Yo在今年愚人节亮相。一开始,苹果手机应用于商店以“没实质内容”为由拒绝接受公布;直到今天,仍有不少人指出这个应用于就是个笑话。
不少技术人员认为,如此非常简单的一个应用于能取得上百万的投资才是体现了技术泡沫的裂痕近在咫尺,The Wire网站的作者Polly Mosendz与美国著名新闻博客Think Progress的作家Judd Legum都持有人此种观点。Simple, but deep非常简单却深刻印象Arbel calls Yo “context-based communication” and some people are beginning to “get it”. Jordan Crook, from Tech Crunch, explains why the context of a “Yo” says much more than two little letters: “As with anything, a ‘Yo’ can just be a ‘Yo’. But you’ll feel a very real difference between a ‘Yo’ you get in the morning from a friend and a ‘Yo’ you get at 2 am from a friend with benefits. Trust me. And that’s the magic.”奥尔指出Yo是一种“倚赖语境的交流方式”,现在不少人早已体会到这一点。来自Tech Crunch博客的乔丹?克鲁克说明了为什么有了语境,“Yo”就能传达出有近远超过两个字母的含义:“如果没任何语境,那么Yo只是两个字母。但是,你却能显著感觉到早上朋友发去的Yo和凌晨2点“床伴”发去的Yo之间的有所不同。
坚信我,这就是它的魔力所在。”But people don’t always want to load their “Yos” with meaning. David Shapiro, from The New Yorker, says now when he thinks about someone, he just “Yos” them instead of spending time starting and carrying on a conversation. He says it’s a great way of saying: “I’m thinking about you but I don’t have anything in particular to say.” Social media constantly demands our time and attention. Not responding to text messages and e-mails can hurt relationships. But, Shapiro says, a “Yo” doesn’t seem to demand a reply. “What a relief,” he says.不过,人们并不总是想要彰显“Yo”明确含义。在《纽约客》工作的大卫?莎皮欧说道,现在每当他思念谁的时候,他不会给对方放一条Yo,而不是花上好多时间网聊。他实在发送到Yo是个很不俗的办法,告诉他对方“我想要你了,但是我没什么尤其想要说道的。
”社交媒体总是闲置我们大量的时间和注意力,而不恢复短信或者邮件则更容易伤感情。不过,莎皮欧指出Yo就不必须用户有信息无以返。正如他的感概:“这多省事儿啊!”Andrew Leonard, from The Salon, says “Yo” also signifies something deeper. It “expresses our most essential humanity”. He says that the utterance of the word “Yo” is “a declaration, first, that I exist in this world, and second, that I seek connection and community with something outside myself.” It’s like saying: “Yo… I am here. Is anybody out there?”来自The Salon的安德鲁?里欧纳德指出,Yo传达了一些更加深层次的东西:“它表达出有了人性的本质。